Year Two
A warm welcome to Year 2!
Our Year 2 Class teacher is Mrs. Simpson. Other adults who will work in Year 2 are Mrs. McGrail.
We are very much looking forward to watching you develop, learn and grow throughout this academic year. We hope you will have lots of fun as well as making the best possible progress.
Our PE days will be on Tuesdays and Fridays so please wear your PE kits to school on these days.
Please encourage your child/children with their home reading and talk with them about the stories they are reading and the characters that they may come across.
Keep a look out for photos of our learning and fun on our class page and social media.

Cultural Week - Brazil
Throughout this week, we have been learning all about Brazil. Please see some of our pictures below of our wonderful week. We hope you enjoy!
Design and Technology
In DT, the children in Year 2 have been working extremely hard to construct their chairs for Baby Bear. They have had to consider what 3D shape is the most stable for their structure and how the client (Baby Bear) would want their chair to look. We think the end products look fabulous and are really proud of our achievements!
Smithills Farm
Year 2 had a brilliant time at Smithills Farm this week, they enjoyed petting the different animals, donkey rides, tractor rides and best of all a visit to Father Christmas. What a wonderful day!
First Aid
Year 2 earned their bronze First Aid certificate with Panda Paramedics. They learned how to apply a plaster and bandage correctly, how to use an adrenaline pen if someone was having an anaphylactic shock and how to call 999 in a medical emergency. We had lots of fun practicing all of these skills on each other!